Notre conseil

Hamiform will be distributed alternately with the classic line in a clean feeder (50 gr per day per animal or about 5 tablespoons). To optimize the results, apply this procedure during a one-month cure several times a year. Your pet should not run out of water, so make sure you renew it regularly.

Optima – complete meal ACTI dwarf rabbit 700 gr

Acti for rabbits has been specifically developed to help your pet to strengthen and stabilize its immune defences against various internal parasites that can affect its good health. Thanks to the great diversity and large number of its aromatic plants with recognized virtues (grasses, leguminous plants, umbelliferous plants, aromatic plants and others from the heart of hay)*, the Acti Rabbit reminds us by its taste and smell what your animal would instinctively have sought in nature.

Reference : 423
You can find it at our distributors.


The Acti Rabbit has been specifically developed to help your pet strengthen and stabilize its immune defences against various internal parasites that can affect its good health. Thanks to the great diversity and large number of its aromatic plants with recognized virtues (grasses, leguminous plants, umbelliferous plants, aromatic plants and others from the heart of hay)*, the Acti Rabbit reminds by its taste and smell what your animal would have instinctively sought in the wild. The vitamins, fibres and minerals in this formula give your rabbit the nutrients it needs to keep its digestive system functioning properly. Your little companion will find the natural essential components to improve and maintain a good health. This way, he can enjoy a healthy and active life.