Notre conseil

Hamiform will be distributed daily in a clean feeder (50 gr per day per animal or about 5 tablespoons). Your pet should not run out of water, so make sure you replace it regularly.

Optima – complete meal angora and rosette guinea pig – 900 gr

In order to satisfy the nutritional requirements of the Angora and Rosette guinea pig, Hamiform has specially developed a specific formula that provides all the necessary elements for their organism: proteins, energy sources, fatty acids, minerals and vitamins.

Reference : 247
You can find it at our distributors.


Hamiform is enriched with vitamin C (4g/kg) to satisfy your pet’s daily needs because he cannot synthesize it. For the beauty of their coat, guinea pigs need trace elements, which are usually provided in salt form. Nowadays, more digestive forms exist like : chelates. The selected elements (Zinc, manganese, iron…) are associated with amino acids. It needs punctual and measured contributions of fatty acids to restore its tonicity and vitality. Omega 3, which cannot be synthesized by his organism, responds to these moments of tiredness by revitalizing the growth and renewal of his cells.