Notre conseil

Hamiform will be distributed daily in a clean feeder (50 gr per day per animal or about 5 tablespoons). Your pet should not run out of water, so make sure you replace it regularly.

Optima – complete meal dwarf rabbit – 900 gr

With its original presentation and specific formula, this food constitutes a complete and balanced meal. Alfalfa, the rabbit’s favourite forage plant, is dehydrated, preserving its aroma and quality.

Reference : 223
You can find it at our distributors.



The appearance of the granule is obtained by dry pressing, thus preserving all the nutritional and taste qualities of the ingredients. Alfalfa (his favorite forage plant) will make an irresistibly good dish! Give your rabbit this delicious meal rich in fiber and good for his teeth.


This complete meal provides the starch and cellulose essential for good digestion. The rabbit’s diet requires a long fiber intake, which is achieved through coarse grinding. The size and shape of the granule have been studied to facilitate its grip. Its hardness contributes to good dental hygiene.


The vitamins, fibers and minerals in this formula give your rabbit the nutrients needed for a healthy interior balance.