Notre conseil

Hamiform will be distributed alternately with the classic line in a clean feeder (50 gr per day per animal or about 5 tablespoons). To optimize the results, apply this procedure during a one-month cure several times a year. Your pet should not run out of water, so make sure you renew it regularly.

Optima – complete meal MOTRI guinea pig 700 gr

MOTRI for Guinea Pig has been specifically developed to improve and maintain your pet’s physical condition. In order to provide it with the elements essential to its inner balance, this meal has been carefully dosed with Vitamin C & E, and kelated amino acids.

Reference : 4221
You can find it at our distributors.


Motri Guinea Pig has been specifically developed to improve and maintain the physical condition of your pet. To provide it with the necessary elements for its inner balance, this meal has been carefully dosed with Vitamin C & E, and with kelatized amino acids. Thanks to its wide diversity and the large number of its components (grasses, legumes, umbelliferous plants, aromatic plants and others from the hay heart)*, the Motri guinea pig reminds by its taste and smell what your rodent would instinctively have sought in the nature. Your pet will find the natural essential elements to improve and maintain good health. The richness and quality of the components (Amino acids, Oligo elements and Vitamins) contained in this formula ensure your guinea pig a good assimilation of this food and a high digestibility. The algae present in this meal provide an essential complement to the proper vitality of your rodent. Mineral salts, which are integrated in organic form, are much more stable and more quickly assimilated. The Motri Guinea Pig helps to develop a healthy and active life and contributes to the well-being of your little companion.